CG Operator Training

Welcome to the CG (Computer Graphics) training section. The CG operator is the staple of any church production team. An odds are, if you've been serving in church production long enough, you'll have run this position at one point before. The CG operator has a unique role in that it leads the congregation and the worship team with lyrics, and it has its hand in other computer generated content like videos and lower thirds. The main program that we use is ProPresenter. If you've used that program before, you have a good head start on the training. If not, have no fear! We'll have you up and running in no time! It's worth noting that as you go through this training, you can download ProPresenter for free from their website here: download link. The demo is free, but its fully functional for training purposes.

Our CG training resources are divided into sections. We've done our best to make them into separate sections so you can do a little bit at a time. Or if you are really excited, you can jump right in and knock it all out. The best way to fully wrap your head around training on a camera for the first time is to get your hands on it. But there's some information and ideas to go over first.

Please fully complete each section. At the end of each section you'll have a small completion form to fill out. This will ask you very basic questions to see what you've learned from each section.

Section 1:

For CG training, we are going to start off with a video that we didn't produce. The ProPresenter team produced this video, and its a perfect first look at the program we use. We have found that our best operators operate confidently if they know the program well, so here's a good overview to get you started.

Section 2:
Next Level

Section 3:
Behind the Scenes Examples

Watching these videos aren't mandatory - they are just extra for your learning benefit. Here are some practical examples of our camera work during service with the director audio as well. Watch the overall result, but the best thing you can learn from these videos is how one camera operates when they are live, and what they do when they aren't live

If you've completed the three sections above, congratulations! We'll be in touch with you soon to get you scheduled to serve. We are excited you took the time to do the sections above. It makes us better as a team when everyone is informed and trained!